So I had to share a couple of stories that just perfectly explain why I love where I live, and feel so blessed to be here!
Last week while doing dishes I saw movement in the pine trees on that side of our house. When I looked closer I noticed that it was a fox exploring the woods. He moved a little so I moved to the bedroom where I had an even clearer look at him. I got to watch him for about five minutes before he wandered out of site. It was so cool. I found myself wishing I had a really good camera with a good zoom but then I decided that I probably would not have taken the chance of missing him to go get the camera. How often do you get to see that!
Last week while doing dishes I saw movement in the pine trees on that side of our house. When I looked closer I noticed that it was a fox exploring the woods. He moved a little so I moved to the bedroom where I had an even clearer look at him. I got to watch him for about five minutes before he wandered out of site. It was so cool. I found myself wishing I had a really good camera with a good zoom but then I decided that I probably would not have taken the chance of missing him to go get the camera. How often do you get to see that!
Saturday was a gorgeous day! Did you notice? Matt and I did! We were going a little stir crazy so we asked Shelby to watch Jadon. Then we got all bundled up to go for a hike. I am telling you there is nothing more beautiful than the woods in the snow! We hiked all the way to the river and back. The fresh air, exercise and beauty really revived us. Another great thing about snow in the woods is that you get to "see" all the wildlife or their tracks at least. Matt was determined to find cougar tracks. He was disappointed when he did not. By the time we got back from our hike we had our hats off, and coats unzipped. We got a great workout!!! It was also nice to spend some time ALONE with my husband. Those moments are few and far between these days.
Here are some pictures from our hike:
This pond was hardly disturbed and gorgeous in the sun. This picture does not do it justice.
Our Shadows-corny but cute!!! He, he!
Not the most becoming look but I was warm!!!
Ok, here is my last story. On Tuesday evening we were all at the dining room table enjoying some awesome cashew chicken and broccoli stir fry (recipe in last post) when I spotted an owl landing on a tree branch. Judging by the size of the owl I assumed it was a Great Horned Owl. They are huge!! We see them frequently in the winter. Owls are known to hunt during the day in the winter.
Matt wondered what he was after. We soon saw the squirrel jaunting from branch to branch on another tree not far away. We were captivated. What was going to happen? Did the squirrel have any clue? Probably not. We jumped up and grabbed the binoculars and took turns getting a closer look at the owl. Yup. Definitely a Great Horned Owl. A beautiful creature. I could barely eat because I did not want to miss anything!! Sure enough the owl took off out of the tree and swooped to get the squirrel! It was a close call. That squirrel was sure lucky his nest was so close. He dived down in the nest before the owl could get him. The owl landed on another tree branch to wait but the squirrel had learned his lesson and did not come back out. It was not too much longer before the owl flew away to find another meal. I told Matt that we just had dinner and a show!!! And we did not even have to go anywhere!! Love it!!!