"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." Angela Schwindt

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jadon made his very first art project today.  One of the kids I watch is gone for the next few days so we had some extra supplies.  I was using the extra supplies to show the daycare kids how to make their own project.  Jadon was tugging at my legg and hollering at me.  He often feels left out during art time.  He is sure that there is something super fun going on up there at the table.  So I picked him up and held him in my lap, gave him the marker so he could help Mommy decorate the shaker.  I held the shaker and gave Jadon the marker and showed him what to do.  As you can see he made his very pretty.  :)

Then I helped him tape on the face and gave it back to him.  The project was a heart opossum shaker.  A combination of our theme "Mammals" and "Hearts".  The cardboard tube was filled with rice so it made a cool sound when shaken.  Jadon liked that a lot.  He would shake it, then just look at it, then look at me.  I think he could not believe I was letting him play with such a big kid toy.

What a fun morning!!

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