"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." Angela Schwindt

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

It is the time of year when all that planting, watering, weeding, weeding, and more weeding finally pays off! The garden is exploding with zucchini and pickling cucumbers right now. We haul in new ones everyday.

There are lots and lots of tomatoes so close to being ready. Any days not the tomato explosion will begin. The spaghetti squash look to be about ready also and there are the cutest little baby watermelons out there. Jadon gets really excited about the watermelon. He LOVES watermelon or "water meme" as he calls them.

Jadon is a good little helper out in the garden. I captured some cute photos while we were out picking the other night.

As you can see our squash and melons are going crazy!  The zucchini plants are bigger than Jadon!  Because we were gone on vacation for a week some of our cucumbers where way too big for canning but we did find enough we could use to make several jars.  We made dill spears, dill hamburger slices, and some dill stackers.  Matt made the stackers by thinly slicing the cucumbers that had gotten too big to use as spears.  Maybe that is why the pickle companies came up with stackers! 

Oooohhhh, so pretty!

Another one of our favorites this time of year is sweet corn!  We love, love, love sweet corn!  This weekend we picked up 19 dozen ears of corn from Matt's uncles farm.  Yesterday was all about corn.  We shucked it, blanched it, removed the kernels from the cob, bagged it and put it in the freezer.  It is so good in the dreary months of winter!

Matt cooked some of the ears because we had to taste test it!  This is the first year that Jadon can eat the corn straight of the cob.  We showed him how to do it and he caught on quick.  Before we knew it he was saying "Done Daddy" and holding the empty cob up.  The bonus to eating corn off the cob is that it is a two handed job so Righty gets to help! 

Looking at it as if to say "Hey, this stuff if pretty good"!

We also went to our first Normal Cornbelters baseball game on Friday.  I will post pics of that later and of course some more vacation pics!


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